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LivoltekCase | Hybrid iPower All-in-one System Residential PV Storage Project

Address: Lidera Energia, Spain

Solution: 5kW Hybrid Inverter, 2 BLF51-5 LV Battery, 14 pcs PV Panels

The case of lidera Energia’s latest installation, featuring the Livoltek All-in-One system with solaipanels and batteries, stands as a prime example of how we empower our customers withsustainable energy solutions.
With Mylivoltek, customers can now seamlessly track their energy consumption, generation, and storage, allowing them to make informed decisions and optimize their energy usage. This not only leads to cost savings but also enhances the overall efficiency and sustainability of their homes.
Moreover, the livoltek All-in-One system, with its hybrid inverter and batteries, ensures a reliable and resilient power supply, even during grid outages. This added layer of security gives customers peace of mind, knowing that they can rely on clean, renewable energy, regardless of the situation.

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