LivoltekCase | Grid-tied: Clean Energy Solution for Save the Children International
Address: Uzbekistan
Solution: 10kW of GT3-4~25K series three-phase grid-tied inverter
Powering Positive Change! It is a milestone achieved with the completion of a LIVOLTEK’S 10 kW solar project at Save the Children International. By installing our cutting-edge clean energy solutions, we’re proud to have partnered with an organization dedicated to making a difference in the lives of children.
Save the Children International installed a 10kW of LIVOLTEK’s GT3-4~25K series inverter, which helps the organization to generate its own electricity and potentially offset a portion of its energy costs. Furthermore, the surplus electricity generated by the 10kW grid-tied inverter can be fed back into the grid, potentially benefiting the local community. Thus, it allows the organization to allocate more resources toward its core mission of providing assistance to children in need.